
Last night I went to UnSafewayTM for something to eat. I was out of cookies and… well… that was clearly an untenable situation. So, after I had rounded up my desired food items, I managed to fight my way past the harassment of the free samples lackey and got to the checkout. At UnSafewayTM they have two different sizes of those baskets you carry around with you. At the checkout I chose, this resulted in a tangled mass of baskets stacked such that the top one was at such an angle that the tower would no longer accept a new basket. So… I took the three or four small ones at the top, made them their own pile, added mine…. and moved on. The lady behind me took exception to this, for reasons still unbeknownst to me. So, she REARRANGED them so that they were all haphazardly stacked again. It could have only been designed to piss me off. Now, don’t leap to the conclusion that I was terribly bothered by the fact that the basket stack was all crazy-like. I could have easily ignored it. Now… if she was too lazy to put her small basket in the right pile, and had simply placed it within the bigger basket at the top, there would have been no further thought or discussion about the matter. This was not what occurred.

She actually took a number of them and specifically mismatched them – recreating a haphazard pile! Then she looked at me with this kind of “well – whatcha gonna do about THAT huh!?” expression.

Now, this kind of debauchery isn’t uncommon at UnSafewayTM, as any reader of my page – or customer of UnSafewayTM will attest. I’m never sure what to do at this point. Murder seems slightly extreme, although not out of the question. Usually my response is tempered my fears of someone killing me – perhaps even fatally. So, in this case…. since clearly a response was necessary – I merely said: “Good JOB! and gave her a thumbs up sign. Then things got interesting.

So she picked up that bar that is supposed to separate customers groceries and tapped me on the head with it! I was more than slightly flabbergasted. Then the checkout girl told her that she needed to go to another lineup – she was going on a break. She put out the little sign saying just that. As soon as the basket case left – she took the sign down. Hmmm… and unexpected ally!

So what would you have done in that situation – bearing in mind that she was toting her two small demon spawn along with her? Suggest a good anti-psychotic medication? I probably should have pretended I was bleeding from the whack on the head….

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