Blowing In The Dark

So imagine that you are pretty sure that the air flinging itself up against your place of residence is going to result in, among other things, a power outage. This was my situation last night, and thus I decided to remember where the flashlights and lighter/candles were. Naturally, when the power did finally decide to leave, I couldn’t remember where I decided to put them. After flailing around in the dark, I managed to find the fridge, and my knee found the edge of the bookshelf. All in all, a textbook power outage. Well, I finally managed to get some light going. Of course, what then? Usually, I listen to the radio, but I was out of batteries for the big radio I have. I managed to find my old walkman, and after pilfering the AA’s from my VCR remote, I managed to wind up with batteries in my walkman. This would have been much better if the walkman worked. So I took it apart, which is not a solution for all problems (not that I would know). So after an hour, I got it working. Unfortunately, I could only pick up FM stations, and just try to get news type information over the FM frequencies in Vancouver. Not going to happen. After many attempts at raising any sort of AM station, I gave up and went to bed. This sleeping thing has been a problem recently for many reasons. Last night the main problem was the 100+ km/hr winds slamming in the my windows, and the fact that the patio furniture on the patio above my basement suite decided to do laps or something. They just kept slamming around all night long.

One good (almost) thing that did happen was that the power was out at the University, and there were no classes. Naturally, I found this out after driving all the way up there. It was definitely a weird experience trying to negotiate my way through very dark hallways with my own flashlight, with nobody else to be seen. Definitely weird. My power is back on now (only a few hours ago though), and is threatening to go out again because of the second storm in as many nights. I hope the patio furniture will forgo their gymnastics tonight.

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