What's another word for Thesaurus?

As I pointed out earlier… the French letter to myself was meant for the 10 year High School reunion. They sent it to me in the mail instead because I did not attend my reunion. Not that I could have, as I wasn’t invited, or was forgotten entirely. The funny part of this is, I had absolutely NO inclination to reminisce with those I was trapped with for 5 years, and would not have attended if I’d been invited. I graduated in June 1993, and come September 2003, I was kind of curious about the reunion in general, along the lines of if they had even had one at all. A brief search of the internet resulted in a brief article about it (in retrospect) in the local paper. So there WAS a reunion, I had just no been notified of it prior to its occurrence. I should point out that I have never officially (in terms of “real” mail – VISA bills and government stuff) from the place I lived in 1993 even though I have lived in 3 other houses in the meantime. I still live 3 blocks from my High School, have the same phone number even. Tracking me down wouldn’t have been difficult.

I’m searching for the word that describes the fact that I’m pissed I wasn’t invited to a reunion that I wouldn’t have attended anyway. Hmmm…

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