Today I wrote my last final exam of the semester. Glad it is over. Getting up at 6:00 in the morning and going to school on a Saturday to write an exam is not an experience that I particularly relish. The only good part to all this was that I got an A on my paper. Considering I wrote it the night before it was due, and I didn’t think it was at all good, I was surprised. This was a good sort of surprise though, not like when you realize that what you are melting cheese on in the oven is NOT a bagel (for example). The other day someone I (kind of) know came up to me in the hallway and asked: “When do YOUR ears get the most itchy”? Well, I was sort of confused why this was a question. Actually I answered “Piano recital”. But, since that hasn’t happened in a great number of years, I changed it to when I do dishes or an oral presentation. This was as far as the conversation went, sadly. Apparently she gets itchy ears during exams. Why I needed to know this I am still somewhat flummoxed about. Oh well, nobody said you had to understand EVERYTHING (not much danger of that for me).
Its always interesting to find out how people get to this site. My stats frequently show the search engines people use, as well as the keywords they looked for. Someone searching for “fat strippers” was the most recent interesting one. Actually, placing the one instance of the word “strippers” in here has gotten me many hits over the last while. People searching for “fat strippers (not like a paint stripper I don’t think…), “male strippers”, and “fat discrimination” have all hit my site. Don’t think they found what they were looking for, but you never know. Most of the searches usually deal with some form of “daily rant”, “rant” or “Canadian rant”. Of course, I still rely upon word of mouth for most of my hits, which is why I don’t get many, I think.
Many people read diary sites. I am not one of them. What I write here isn’t exactly a diary, nor is it supposed to be. I sort of find diary sites boring, unless they are a particularly engaging writer or I know the person. Every once in a while I run into a site that is basically a collection of “rants”. This site also doesn’t fit that category, since I do other things here as well. Some of these rants sites are funny, some are very angry, and some are simply stupid.