Exams Exams Exams

Its been a really long time since I wrote anything here. The predominant reason for this is that I have been knee deep into too many exams to properly navigate without some sort of cognitive damage. So, as a cost, the writing here has suffered, actually disappearing entirely. I am sure that there are those out there, especially that one person in Australia (you know who you are, if in fact you still read this…) who would actually cheer this absence of words. Anyway, I digress from the point that I never had in the first place.

Suffice to say that the exams have been rather brutal, which is what I get for taking science. Organic chemistry was my first exam, and it was the most I have ever studied for one test in my life. This was largely due to some sort of strange motivation to do well, and not because it was the most difficult test I have ever taken. However, the results were not all that stellar, and I am not sure that all the studying I did in the entire week before the exam was really worth it. The animal physiology (Bisc 305) exam went much better, which was rather invigorating after doing so badly and feeling despair during organic chemistry.

It seems that I never hear anything on the news these days that have to do with new discoveries in science or other parts of life that I do not question. I am always being told of really good things that are apparently happening, but I am too cynical to believe. Those things that seem really bad, I don’t believe either. It looks like I’ll have to have to stop questioning long enough to actually trust something. Answers are out there. Aren’t they?

So the rest of this exam period will be spent studying for my last exam, which is Environmental Toxicology. The thing that scares me is that this exam doesn’t’ scare me. It should be interesting. So then, the problem turns to what to do for the next many weeks. Sure, Christmas is in two weeks, but that is usually, well, not bad but just not too fulfilling. The things is nice, but it just seems that it is like just about any other day at my parents house. I wonder what will happen this year, as they haven’t done any decorating (which is unheard of so late in the month) or any of the normal pre-Christmas activities. As I no longer live with them (thank goodness!) I, of course, don’t have all the information. Its just that things are, lacking in normal intensity, which, granted is usually at a very low level anyway. Hmmm. This is coming from the high school kid who hated weekends because that would mean two whole days of NOTHING. The real problem is that not much of that has changed, and without school, there is an absence of anything wavering from the line of monotone. I guess that I need a hobby, which seems an “old-person” word, and I am starting to feel the part.

I think that its time to go, things might start to get a little cathartic here, and nobody wants that.

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