Shock Value

Today I was “confronted” by one naked man in one of SFU’s bathrooms. One was enough. Sure, he was about to have a shower, but I still didn’t expect it.

I personally don’t find much more nauseating than those “psychic” commercials. Lets see now, how does my script and the art of bullshit apply to THIS desperate loser/caller?

Tomorrow I have an oral presentation. Considering the last one, I know that it can only be better. Last time, I repeated the middle part of the presentation twice before someone pointed it out. Damn. Lets hope that tomorrow goes better.

This morning I had a bagel for breakfast. Nobody knows that but me because its a secret. Don’t tell anyone. Sshhhhh!

I have come to the conslusion that it is stupid to break up a fight just around the corner from where you live. You get into your car, drive around the corner, and the former combatants use it (the car) for a week afterward as a forum to voice their displeasure. Thank goodness they are only children, and yet, butter and jam under my doorhandles gets annoying after the 20th time.

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