Stupidity should be painful

I talked to somebody the other day who suggested that stupidity should be painful. I heartily agree. This way, you could see the “stupid” coming, and avoid interaction unless absolutely necessary. Of course, this would make doing anyting related to SFU’s administration uncomfortable to be around (even more than now).

I remember when school strikes were something that I looked forward to in elementary and secondary school. In University, this has changed considerably, especially since it might happen during midterms. I can only imagine the carnage that this would cause.

I dont’ mind watching basketball on tv, as long as I am doing something else at the same time. What makes it almost unbearable is when VTV interviews drunken idiots watching the game in a bar. Who really cares what the hell they think – and they do this during seemingly every pause in the game. VTV is why they invented the mute button.

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