I have decided that it is time for all of you to finally turn OFF your Christmas lights. I have also realized that all the recents updates that I made to this page were placed in the wrong folder. Some of all this space was changed around, and I forgot that later. Ooops. Since none of this stuff was really date specific, I will put it up some other day, and probably write it all a little better. Just be thankful what I wrote on New Years eve wasn’t actually displayed here. I got a little angry.I am back at school for another semester. Even though I made damn sure that my Psychology 306 class did not have a presentation involved, it in fact does. It seems that I am trapped, and even though I asked ahead of time, it did little good. Oh well I suppose that I will manage to survive. I am also taking BISC 307 (Animal Physiology laboratory), BISC 337 (Plant Biology), and Biochemisty. Should be a rather difficult semester, but it beats languishing in a large number of psychology classes with little to do.